Tag Archives: I Don’t Navigate By You


So much to my utter dismay, yesterday I found out that Telegraphs – one of my favourite bands – have split up.

Telegraphs were the newest, youngest band to join the list of bands with a place inside my heart.  They are also the first band to give me a little ‘claim to fame’, something I was pretty moved by.  Gutted does not even begin to describe it.

I have my editor to thank for discovering them. Receiving the promo for their first EP, their brand of anthemic rock wasn’t what I normally listen to by choice, but they did it so well I almost forgot that I had other CDs to listen to that week.

“Telegraphs have served up a five track E.P. of near-flawless beauty here”
Across A Wire Review

From then, the boss sent almost every release of theirs my way, and try as I did to keep a level head, everything they put on CD lived up to and exceeded my expectations.

…and now you’re back with new single The ‘Rules Of Modern Policing’; a huge, anthemic number that’ll blow the roof off the venues you play, contains exciting lead guitar, an immense chorus, is just as catchy as your other material, and will likely be just one of a number of reasons that début album will be f**king brilliant… And you’re not recording it until JUNE? Have you not heard that massive, explosive climax to your own single? And you want to make us wait for more? Bastards!
Rules Of Modern Policing Review

Finally an album came. I was worried it would be a let-down, as I already knew most of the songs on it But with Dave Eringa behind the production desk these songs I already loved somehow improved. ‘I Don’t Navigate By You’ became this HUGE, dynamic monster of a track; everything soared higher, and the sound of Darcy and Hattie singing together covered me with goosebumps, it was magical – and I really don’t care how silly that sounds.

“For those who don’t know, Telegraphs are Brigthon’s best kept secret, a band that play melodic rock without trend or gimmick; it’s not retro and it doesn’t need a ‘core’ suffix to describe it. The only tags you can pin to it are ‘anthemic’, sometimes ‘epic’ and often ‘bloody awesome’.”
We Were Ghosts Review

I would witter on about them to friends, because they were the rarest of rare bands; one that I liked that other people would actually enjoy listening to. There was no niche genre here, no accusation of “just a load of hairy dudes screaming” looming on the horizon. Intense songs, powerful lyrics, engaging music, but universal.
Anyone could like this band. Everyone should have.

I got their album shortly before finally seeing them live. On the train on the way to see them in Cardiff, I read the thank you list on the inlay card and made a double-take. Was that my name? That’s my name.  Right there.  Near Tom Barnes and a bit below Bruce Dickinson.
The smile nearly split my face in half. When I got to the gig, not only was it great to discover that they were excellent live, but I got to meet them. They weren’t just down to Earth and generally lovely people; they were genuinely excited to meet me.  The few paragraphs of excited words that I had written about them – words that are only an opinion – meant something to them. It meant faces broke into big grins, hugs came out of nowhere and handshakes were applied with enough vigour to damage muscles. It wierded me out – I was the excited fan, yet they made it feel like a role reversal.  It remains one of the biggest confidence boosts I’ve ever received, and meant a great deal to me.

But it was not to be.
After five years, yesterday they called it a day.

“Unfortunately, despite all of our hard work it comes down to simple economics… there was no money to make a second record and we eventually ran out of momentum. As a band we wanted to finish on a high note and not wait for it all to turn bitter.”
Telegraphs Blog

This can’t help but make me sniffle.  And curse my failure to win the lottery and inevitably fund its creation!
Enough of the glum, though.  They may not have ended playing the huge venues their songs belonged in, but as far as I’m concerned they did go out on a high note.
Their outstanding album has made many hours of my life that little bit better, it’s something I’m immensely grateful for.
If you get the chance, pick up a copy of the album, listen to it on spotify, or use the links on this page.
Their songs are outstanding.

Now, instead of moping, I can look forward to the prospect of a number of new bands they can fill with potential.
I don’t know how these bands will compare, but I – for one – cannot wait to find out.

Thank you, Telegraphs.

I don’t have an inlay card with a thank you list, but if I did, you would be on it.

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Filed under Music, Opinion, Videos

Telegraphs – I Don't Navigate By You

If you’ve followed our reviews of this band you’ll probably have guessed that waiting for the Telegraphs début album is killing us. With the release of We Were Ghosts only a couple of months away, the anticipation is reaching fever pitch, and new single ‘I Don’t Navigate By You’ isn’t helping any! …..

In full on Rockmidgets.com


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Filed under Reviews, Singles/tracks